Alexis Rodrigo Copywriter
Extraordinary Academy


You Now Have Access to 12 Destructive Beliefs That Block Your Success and Happiness!

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While you're here: Do you want to learn how to overcome these destructive beliefs?

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Discover How To Become As Productive— And Effective — As You Can Possibly Be!

Tired of trying every productivity hack and shortcut... and still falling behind on your to-do list? 
You work hard. You do your best. But it’s still not enough.
Is it because...

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    You begin with the best intentions, but then a bright, shiny new object appears and, all of a sudden, that new thing looks like The Answer To All Your Problems. So you drop what you’ve been doing and move on to that.
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    Or maybe you don’t get things done because you give up too easily. At the first sign of adversity, failure, or difficulty you throw in the towel. You figure, it’s better to cut your losses, right? And then you start over with something else.
  • angle-right
    Or maybe you keep putting things off and don’t get started at all. You hold back until the time is perfect. Until you have all the credentials, training, and tools you need. Who do you think you are anyway?

Hi, I'm Lexi, a business owner, wife, mother of three, and marcomms professional. A recent catastrophic event led me to discover a solution to distraction, procrastination, and lack of resilience that I'd like to share with you. But first....

Alexis Rodrigo, Copywriter

Let's Address The Elephant In the Room: Your Mind!

If you're like most hard-working business owners, you've tried a lot of productivity hacks and systems:

Planners, bullet journals, and focus apps. Digital calendars, timers, and shortcuts.

But none of these things work perfectly because you’ve been ignoring the elephant in the room.

Say what?

NYU psychologist Jonathan Haidt uses the metaphor of the rider, the elephant, and the path to explain human behavior.

The rider is the rational, logical part of your brain.

It sets goals, makes plans, and solves problems. It’s the part of your mind that tells you, “It’s time to get to work and create that online course since I want to launch in two weeks.”

The elephant is the emotional part of your brain.

It’s the part of your brain that says, “I’ll check my email again. Something important might have arrived when I wasn’t looking. And since I’m checking my email, I might as well look at Facebook, too. I deserve a break!”

And the path is your physical environment.

It’s the dings and alerts that pop up to let you know you have a new message. It’s having your refrigerator a mere four feet away from your desk tempting you with snacks. It’s anything in your surroundings that can either help you or hinder you from arriving at your destination. 

Here's the thing: The elephant is always way more powerful than the rider.

It’s bigger and stronger. Whatever the elephant wants, the elephant gets… unless the rider knows how to train the elephant.

It’s the same thing with productivity.

"I Know What I Need To Do To Succeed,

But I Don't Do It."

Your rational mind, the rider, knows what you need to be doing right now.

But your emotional mind, the elephant, wants to play with shiny, new objects.

It wants rewards and it wants them now.

It runs away from danger.

And it never wants to do anything hard or unpleasant.

No matter how smart the rider and how short or clear your path is, if the elephant refuses to budge, then you still won’t get things done.

This is why knowing what you need to do is not always enough to get you to actually do it!

"Information is not transformation," author, speaker, and researcher Shawn Achor wrote in The Happiness Advantage.

The problem with most productivity hacks is they address the rider and the path, but they don’t take care of the elephant.

Productivity hacks are usually about optimizing your rational mind:

“Remind yourself of your reason why.” 

“Break down tasks into smaller chunks.”

...and your physical environment:

“Close all your unnecessary tabs to keep focused”

"Use a timer and work on one task until it goes off."

They completely neglect the elephant.

How DO You Train the Elephant? 

By making it happy and positive.

Numerous studies show that people who are have positive emotions are more productive and more successful:

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    Happy sales people out-sell those who are either negative or neutral. 
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    Doctors who are happy are more likely to make correct diagnosesand make them fasterthan those who are not. 
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    CEOs who are happy make better decisions and have teams that perform better than those with either pessimistic or neutral leaders.

This makes perfect sense because, if you think about it, you’ll see that negative thoughts are behind most of the things that make you unproductive:

When you think, “If nobody buys my ebook, I will die from the humiliation”… then you let distractions protect you from the fear of failure.

When you think, “I’m a fraud, I don’t actually know anything that could possibly help anyone”… then you procrastinate to avoid getting found out.

When you think, “I’m not good enough”… then you write and rewrite then scrap everything and start over, and pat yourself on the back for being a "perfectionist."

These negative thoughts make the elephant sit and refuse to budge. Or go on a different direction altogether—away from the goal that will bring you success and achievement.

The good news is, you don't have to let your negative thoughts keep sabotaging your productivity.

Things can be different!

You can motivate and encourage and train that elephant to move in the direction you want to go.

When that happens, you'll follow through on the things you know you need to do, the things you say you want to do—no matter what.

     You'll finally get that product done.

     You'll  release that lead magnet that will get you more subscribers.

     You'll finally make time to create engaging content that make your audiences know, like, and trust you.

Then you'll bask in the glow of achievement as you see your email list, your sales, and your income growing.

Introducing: Positively Productive
(NOT A Positive Thinking Course)!

Positively Productive Online Course-Lexi Rodrigo

Positively Productive is an extremely practical course about overcoming the negative thoughts that sabotage your productivity.

You'll learn research-backed ways to adopt a realistically positive mindset, so you can...

... go after your goals, persist through obstacles and challenges...

... make better decisions...

... and, yes, become more productive than you've ever been!

My Loss Is Your Gain: What I Learned About Staying Positive When I Lost A Job I Loved And Needed

Let me tell you what happened to me.

The day after Thanksgiving in 2018, I received devastating news:

I was laid off from a job I loved. A job I was good at—in fact, I’d gotten a raise just a few months prior—but the company was having cashflow problems.

I was crushed.

My second daughter had just started university.

My son was growing like a weed and needed new clothes and shoes every few months. 

My husband and I had a lot of bills to pay.

Because of my previous work with CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies, bestselling authors, and other high-achievers, I knew that I had to protect my mindset from despair, discouragement, and despondency. 

I knew I needed to stay positive, optimistic, and enthusiastic.

After all, who would hire a downer, right?

And so, I learned and applied as much as I could about positive psychology and neuroscience  to process all the negative thoughts and feelings I had.

I only did what have been tested and proven to work in rigorous, scientific research, because I'm not a woo-woo type of person.

I confronted and worked through every single negative thought I had.

It wasn't easy at first. I had so many that my mind was a big, chaotic mess!

But I persevered and did what seemed impossible in my situation: I stayed positive and became happy.

I knew I was on the right track when one of my friends messaged me saying, “You seem busy and happy in all the places I see you.”

I wasn’t pretending to be happy, but I sure was working hard at not being unhappy!

Weird as it may seem, all those weeks of looking at job boards, submitting applications, and getting rejected actually made me feel more confident.

Not to sound arrogant, but I developed an unshakable belief in my abilities.

This showed up in different ways:

  • I realized that there were many ways for me to achieve my goals—having a job was only one of those ways. Suddenly, I saw opportunities everywhere.
  • I approached people I would've been too shy to connect with in the past
  • I went after jobs even if the job description wasn't a 100% fit, as long as I felt I could competently perform the job
  • I created and launched a digital product in one weekend and made plans to create at least three more in 2019

Six weeks after getting laid off, I got a job offer that checked almost all the boxes I had for my dream job. The employer actually changed the job description to better suit me.

And I happily accepted it.

Looking back, I see that getting laid off was a gift, because that’s when I truly learned how to apply positive psychology.

After all, it’s easy to stay optimistic and positive when everything’s going well.

When disaster strikes, that’s when your “positive psychology muscle” gets a real workout!

Training my elephant to make it more positive worked so well that I decided to teach it to others.

Because everyone—young or old, rich or poor, employed or unemployed, short or tall—everyone has difficulties and set-backs.

And everyone has negative thoughts and feelings, even when things are generally good.

Let me show you what worked for me.

By the end of Positively Productive, you'll be able to

Use a behavior change method to complete and implement the course (you can use this for any behavior-based goals you have)

Know the 5 elements of a Positively Productive mindset and its benefits (all backed by research)

Identify your negative thoughts and transform them into accurate helpful thoughts (it's easy when you know how)

Nurture positive thoughts and feelings (because being Positive Productive is not only about minimizing the negative)

Turn realistic happiness into a lifestyle (so your happiness muscle gets strong enough for everything from small annoyances to big adversities)

Here's What You'll Get

  • 1
    Access to 4 pre-recorded video lessons 
    As soon as I upload each video, you can watch them any time at your convenience. All you need is a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet connection.
  • 2
    1 live Question-and-Answer session
    Get your questions answered in real time and interact with others in the program.
  • 3
    Audio recordings and transcripts
    Read, listen, and review the content at your convenience, even when you're out and about.
  • 4
    Email support
    As long as you're working through the program, you can send me up to one question per day.
  • 5
    Worksheet and tip sheet
    The exact forms I created for myself to implement what I learned about creating a positive mindset
  • 6
    BONUS: Positivity Journal
    The research-based daily journal I made for myself and have been using daily since that fateful day. You can print it out or type into it in Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Get Positively Productive Now
$97 only!

Positively Productive-overcome negative thoughts

30-day Satisfaction Guarantee


People Are Talking


Incredibly Grounded and Skillful

I knew I needed to add videos to my website, online courses and Facebook, and felt blocked and stuck. I dislike being photographed at all, and always have, and videos felt intimidating.

Lexi is very reassuring, friendly, and gentle. She ignores my moments of brain fog when something simple just doesn't make sense. She has an abundance of knowledge and skills and recommendations. And she has many videos to learn from, not just the personal coaching. I truly appreciate all the ways she is supporting me beyond the basics of making videos. I received excellent praise on the last video I made.

Lexi is an incredibly grounded and skillful coach to help you become comfortable with videos, copywriting, social media, and all facets of promotion that feels genuine.

Kay Taylor , Kay Taylor Intuitive Wisdom,

Delivers Real Results

I wanted to make my e-mail list subscribers happy, but I didn’t know how, until I met Lexi. She’s one of the coolest moms I’ve had the privilege to work with, plus she delivers real results. She’s helped me tweak my e-mail list, learn how to increase engagement and most of all, how I could help my subscribers take action and make a difference in their lives.

Henri Junttila , Entrepreneur,

My Agenda Is Her Agenda

It was good that you let me have a chance to talk about my long-term goal, because a lot of times people don’t ask that. I appreciate that you did. Also, I read a lot of your reviews and people said that you’re very patient and you listen, you can focus the discussion and ask the right questions. I feel like I talked about what was in my mind, what was frustrating for me, but also I gained practical advice. At the end of the conversation, I know what to do and I have clarity. Sometimes I feel like coaches are so focused on the solution they think I need. They cut me off and I get the sense that, 'Maybe I better just not talk about it.' I never felt like that with you.

Jenny Yoon , Creator, Think Again ADHD,

A Gifted Coach

My biggest struggle is honing in on what services and products I offer... reinventing myself and branding myself. I have many interests and diverse wisdom to offer.

Lexi is a great listener. She also cuts through the mustard and kept me focused. She actually looked at my work and asked pertinent questions. Her questions led to answers which helped me focus on my offer, my target market, and their pain points.

Lexi is a gifted coach. She paid attention to my issues and within one hour started addressing concerns I've asked other coaches about for two years.... She is sincere, insightful, very smart and focused. She wants you to walk away with answers and value.

Amy Torres , Transformation Coach, Writer,

Love the Coaching Call!

I’ve gotten such a lot out of this call. You’ve given me the inspiration to start and I’m on the right track. I just don’t want to go waste my time, I’ve got such a busy life. I would rather just speak to someone like yourself, get a little bit of guidance, like you’re doing. I absolutely loved it. Love, love, love.

Robyn Irwin

Professional Image and Confidence

I enjoyed working with Lexi because she is very knowledgeable and thorough. I was especially pleased that she worked with me directly from my own desktop. This has helped me overcome my reluctance to personally manage my social media marketing through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

I hired Lexi after hearing her presentation to a group, where she was able to explain all the various ways of marketing through social media and how important it is to find the right fit for each type of business.

As a result of hiring Lexi, I am now able to present a more professional online image and feel confident that social media marketing will be key to my branding and business growth.

I definitely recommend Lexi for one-on-one or group training in social media marketing.

Leona MacIntyre , Grant Writer,

Imagine Finally Getting the Important Things Done—Free Of Distractibility, Procrastination, and Hopelessness 

What would it mean for you to become a lean, mean, productive machine?

Would it mean getting closer to quitting your day job?

Paying off your debts?

Going on that dream vacation?

Sending your child to college?

Or simply having the peace of mind that you’re financially independent and capable of making your own opportunities?

And on top of all that, positivity is a resource: you will feel more peaceful, more calm, more joyful, and simply happier, even when the going gets tough.

Take the first step to become Positively Productive now.

30-day Satisfaction Guarantee


PS: Listen: If you've tried different ways to be productive and you're still not happy with the amount or quality of work you're doing, then it's time to try something different. It's time to work with the most important factor to your success and achievement: your mind. Discover how to become Positively Productive.

PPS:  I don't know of any other productivity system or resource that addresses the negative thoughts that keep you from achieving your goals. Would you like to try the Positively Productive way and see if it works for you the way it has worked for me?

Amy Torres Transformation Coach, Writer,
Alice Seba Online Entrepreneur,
Kelly McCausey Event Host, Business Coach, Beachpreneur,
Danny Iny Mirasee,
Leona MacIntyre Grant Writer,
Andrew Goldberger CEO, SmartCare,
Nicole Dean Entrepreneur & Business Coach,
Robyn Irwin
Cathy Hutchison Author of Bad Christian,
Yuki Hoashi Principal, GrowShapes,
Kay Taylor Kay Taylor Intuitive Wisdom,
Elena Verlee CEO, Crossborder PR &
Anaezi Modu CEO, Rebrand,
Ronnie Nijmeh Entrepreneur,

A Gifted Coach

My biggest struggle is honing in on what services and products I offer... reinventing myself and branding myself. I have many interests and diverse wisdom to offer.

Lexi is a great listener. She also cuts through the mustard and kept me focused. She actually looked at my work and asked pertinent questions. Her questions led to answers which helped me focus on my offer, my target market, and their pain points.

Lexi is a gifted coach. She paid attention to my issues and within one hour started addressing concerns I've asked other coaches about for two years.... She is sincere, insightful, very smart and focused. She wants you to walk away with answers and value.

Fantastic Writing

Thank you so much for the work you’ve done for me over the past few months. Frankly, I’m not quite sure how I managed without you before. Your work is always timely, your correspondence is always professional (even though I can be VERY picky at times) and your writing is fantastic.

Quality Work

Alexis has made copywriting and marketing the focus of her attention, conquering the learning curve and earning a reputation for doing quality work. I like how she thinks and how she's always spotting new ways to market and grow.

Creates Powerhouse Content

Lexi has been amazing to work with.

She can create powerhouse content, from posts that top the search engines to special reports that attract thousands of new subscribers. And the magical part is the humble and unassuming way with which she does it all.

She’s a gem and I feel very fortunate to have her on my team.

Professional Image and Confidence

I enjoyed working with Lexi because she is very knowledgeable and thorough. I was especially pleased that she worked with me directly from my own desktop. This has helped me overcome my reluctance to personally manage my social media marketing through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

I hired Lexi after hearing her presentation to a group, where she was able to explain all the various ways of marketing through social media and how important it is to find the right fit for each type of business.

As a result of hiring Lexi, I am now able to present a more professional online image and feel confident that social media marketing will be key to my branding and business growth.

I definitely recommend Lexi for one-on-one or group training in social media marketing.

We’re A Better Organization

As a result of hiring Lexi, the SmartCare team learned how to best launch and organize its editorial schedule. I would recommend Lexi for early-stage and established companies alike – let her streamline your thought process and correct your misconceptions. We are a better organization today because of her.

Talented Copywriter

I just adore Lexi and find her to be an extremely talented copywriter and budding entrepreneur. Keep your eye on her. She’s got the heart and drive to become a key player in this business.

Love the Coaching Call!

I’ve gotten such a lot out of this call. You’ve given me the inspiration to start and I’m on the right track. I just don’t want to go waste my time, I’ve got such a busy life. I would rather just speak to someone like yourself, get a little bit of guidance, like you’re doing. I absolutely loved it. Love, love, love.

Brilliant People Skills

Lexi is extremely adept at working with and managing creatives. Her people skills are brilliant. She also has a gift for getting to the heart of a message in a way that connects with an audience--which isn't just effective in the content she creates, but also in working with teams to make sure communication is clear. As an editor and content creator, Lexi is a master of clarity. She knows how to take what you've written and make it better. She is also great at coaching writers to bring out the best in their content.

Quality and Cost

Delivered quality and cost.

Lexi understood the requirement, was easy to communicate with and delivered to expectation.

She is a high-quality copywriter, yet cost competitive and very easy to work with.

Incredibly Grounded and Skillful

I knew I needed to add videos to my website, online courses and Facebook, and felt blocked and stuck. I dislike being photographed at all, and always have, and videos felt intimidating.

Lexi is very reassuring, friendly, and gentle. She ignores my moments of brain fog when something simple just doesn't make sense. She has an abundance of knowledge and skills and recommendations. And she has many videos to learn from, not just the personal coaching. I truly appreciate all the ways she is supporting me beyond the basics of making videos. I received excellent praise on the last video I made.

Lexi is an incredibly grounded and skillful coach to help you become comfortable with videos, copywriting, social media, and all facets of promotion that feels genuine.

Talented and Professional

I first hired Lexi to do a sales page for me. I was impressed not just by her talent, but by her professionalism and resourcefulness as well.

Since then, I’ve hired Lexi to manage my affiliate program and to help me implement my online marketing strategies. Not only does she get the job done, she continually adds more value whenever she sees the possibility.

I also know when I am stuck on something, that I can trust Lexi will help me find a solution to my writing or technical issues so that I can communicate with my clients in an effective and impactful way.

Professional, Timely Results

When I hired Lexi, I badly needed help to finish an important book.

Her approach to the editing task was to conduct additional light research, and to integrate learning garnered from that effort in her work. She took it on and did such a great job in such a short time.

What I appreciated, and believe others might benefit from knowing, is that she took on this challenge requiring a quick turn around, and she delivered professional and timely results.

Boost Your Conversion Rates and Profits

I’m blessed to have found Lexi! The truth is, she outperforms anyone I’ve ever worked with and comes to the table with brilliant ideas and profitable internet marketing tactics. She’s always on schedule, keeps in constant communication, and goes over and above expectations. If you’re looking to boost your conversion rates and profits, then you need Lexi. Period.

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