Shine and Thrive Video Mentoring Program

It's Your Turn To Be Seen, Be Heard, And Be Known!

Watch the presentation below to see how you, too, can become a master

of online video (don't miss the part where I got my blog post on the first page

of Google and #1 for video results!):

*Note: I can only accept a handful of participants because this is a personalized program. If you want my help to SHINE on video, grab your spot  today!

Is this you?

Are you someone who wants to:

  • Share your message to more of the right people?
  • Heighten your results, whether you’re trying to get more traffic, build your list, or make more sales?
  • Integrate your marketing efforts so that you’re creating more content with less effort?
  • Network and connect with your audience and influential people in your industry?
  • And engage with your audience better?

Let me tell you what happened to me...

In early 2016, I decided to revive my online marketing business. Don’t get me wrong. I love my job but, nowadays, it’s just common sense to have multiple streams of income. So I thought it would be a good idea to pay attention to my online business again.

Well, I struggled because things had changed compared to the late 2000s, when I began. Those 400- to 500-word blog posts aren’t cutting it anymore. From my job, I know that today you need long-form, in-depth blog posts to get any Google love, not to mention shares and comments.

And I also needed to communicate with my email subscribers again. I had over 2000 subscribers, but most of them had forgotten about me after not hearing from me for so long.

But how was I going to do all that on top of my job and family?

That’s when I remembered video.

Video was what I used when I was just getting started to grow my list from 200 to 2000 in a few months.

Video was what I used to sell my very first infoproduct and to create other products.

And video was what I used the first time I earned $1000 in affiliate commissions in one month.

Like blogging, online video has changed—but for the better!

It’s now easier, cheaper, and more effective than before!

So why not make video the cornerstone of my content marketing?

And that’s what I did.

Now I’m blogging and emailing my list more often… and getting affiliate commissions and premium clients again.

Would you like to try it and see if it works for you the way it did for me? 

If so, then SHINE and Thrive is for you.

Introducing... SHINE and Thrive!

Shine and Thrive Program

Shine and Thrive is a one-on-one mentoring program with me.

Two times a month, you get on a call with me for 45 minutes, and we continue doing this for six months.

The vision is this: You, making and publishing more online videos that are aligned with your business goals.

When you’re on a call with me, you can get my honest feedback, ask me questions, seek advice and guidance, and see things from a different point of view.

According to an article in The Huffington Post, if you don’t engage your audience with video:
“As far as the tech-savvy consumer is concerned, your company may as well disappear.”

Here are a few things you can accomplish on these calls:

  • You’ll have me to review your plans, to make sure they’re in line with what you want to achieve.
  • Confused about live video, pre-recorded video, native video, and ephemeral video? You’ll sort out what makes the best sense for you to use, depending on your goals, your audience, and your personal preference.
  • You’ll come up with a system so you can make more videos in less time and still keep your blog and email marketing active.
  • I’ll show you how you can look and sound and communicate better on video. Superstar looks are not required.
  • I'll help you come up with content topic ideas and identify your specific sources of inspiration so you never run out of topics for your videos
  • We'll identify the best types of videos for you to publish and on which platforms
  • And you’ll track your results so you can keep getting better and better.
  • Another thing—and this is important—I’ll hold you accountable to your plans.
  • And what about those fears and other hang-ups that have been holding you back? I’m not going to make them magically go away, but I will help you work through them so that you’ll go and make videos anyway. And, you know what? You’ll become a confident and dynamic presenter from getting all the experience of just doing it.

You’ll overcome the overwhelm, the confusion, and the self-doubt that have been holding you back.

Finally, you can:

Share your message with more of the right people.

Heighten your results and impact.

Integrate your efforts to get more content done with less effort.

Network and connect with the people who count, and

Engage your audience with authenticity.

That’s what it means to SHINE and that’s what it takes for your business to THRIVE this year and beyond.

What would you rather do in 2018?

Figure it out yourself?

Or get my help and focus on:

  • spreading your message
  • building your tribe
  • increasing your influence

Whether you're a freelancer, service provider, coach, consultant, infoproduct seller, online course creator, author, healer, or affiliate marketer--anyone with a product or service--online video will help you SHINE and Thrive. 

Grab your spot today!

SHINE and Thrive

  • 45-minute mentoring call x 2 x 6 months
  • Notes for each call, including next action steps and milestone tracking
  • Audio and video recordings of each call




$145.50 today then $145.50/month 
for the next three months

After your payment is processed, you will be taken to a survey form so I can learn more about you and your business before our first coaching call. I can't wait!

All the best,

Lexi Rodrigo
Your Video Mentor

PS: Remember, videos are no longer optional for marketers. They're table stakes for getting and keeping attention on the web today.

PPS: If you’re one of my clients or readers, you probably already know that I’m a content manager and blog editor of Mirasee, the company founded by Danny Iny. It’s a seven-figure business that’s known in the industry for its integrity and high-quality programs. I’m also a freelance copywriter and content marketing consultant. 

But you probably don’t know that I have extensive background in television. Yes, I once worked in children’s television—most fun job I’ve ever had. 

And after I left that job to work in UNICEF, I continued to be involved in video projects.

I helped produce documentaries to promote the rights of children and women.

I managed a TV program where teenagers wrote the scripts and produced their own shows (These were pre-YouTube days so it was much harder then than it is now).

And, one TV spot I managed was nominated for a special Emmy awards for International Children's Day of Broadcasting.

No surprise then that when I put up my online business, I started making videos. Almost 10 years ago, can you believe it? Using only natural lighting, an analog camera, and whatever built-in microphone. And you know what? Those videos are still getting views today!

Lexi Rodrigo's video thumbnails

Aside from all that, I’m also an all-around nice person :)

So, what do you say? Want me to be your video mentor?


A Gifted Coach

My biggest struggle is honing in on what services and products I offer... reinventing myself and branding myself. I have many interests and diverse wisdom to offer.

Lexi is a great listener. She also cuts through the mustard and kept me focused. She actually looked at my work and asked pertinent questions. Her questions led to answers which helped me focus on my offer, my target market, and their pain points.

Lexi is a gifted coach. She paid attention to my issues and within one hour started addressing concerns I've asked other coaches about for two years.... She is sincere, insightful, very smart and focused. She wants you to walk away with answers and value.

Amy Torres - Transformation Coach, Writer,

Incredibly Grounded and Skillful

I knew I needed to add videos to my website, online courses and Facebook, and felt blocked and stuck. I dislike being photographed at all, and always have, and videos felt intimidating.

Lexi is very reassuring, friendly, and gentle. She ignores my moments of brain fog when something simple just doesn't make sense. She has an abundance of knowledge and skills and recommendations. And she has many videos to learn from, not just the personal coaching. I truly appreciate all the ways she is supporting me beyond the basics of making videos. I received excellent praise on the last video I made.

Lexi is an incredibly grounded and skillful coach to help you become comfortable with videos, copywriting, social media, and all facets of promotion that feels genuine.

Kay Taylor - Kay Taylor Intuitive Wisdom,

Clarity and Focus

The sales page is fantastic! You’ve really pulled it all together. The process was terrific for me as well as I know feel like I really know much more about my target market, and even what the book is trying to convey.

You have really helped me narrow my focus for the autoresponders that I will be using to promote and sell the ebook.

I like the alternate headlines you sent as well, I will use some of those for split testing purposes.

Thank you so much for your patience throughout all of this, and for really hand holding me, you have done a fabulous job!

Julianna Gauthier -

Excellent Work Ethic

Alexis is the consummate professional. Not only is her work ethic excellent, but she is a wealth of knowledge on copywriting and online marketing. It was always a pleasure presenting with her during her webinars.

Sharon McMillan - Director of Communications and Media Relations, OCSTA

Boost Your Conversion Rates and Profits

I’m blessed to have found Lexi! The truth is, she outperforms anyone I’ve ever worked with and comes to the table with brilliant ideas and profitable internet marketing tactics. She’s always on schedule, keeps in constant communication, and goes over and above expectations. If you’re looking to boost your conversion rates and profits, then you need Lexi. Period.

Ronnie Nijmeh - Entrepreneur,

Great Response to Sales Letter

I hired Lexi recently to work on a sales page for me. Her writing style and technique is incredibly awesome! After completing her questionnaire she was able to take my idea and turn it into a very compelling message. The response to the offer was great and I look forward to working with her on future projects.

Regina Baker - Ecommerce Solutions Advisor,

Delivers Real Results

I wanted to make my e-mail list subscribers happy, but I didn’t know how, until I met Lexi. She’s one of the coolest moms I’ve had the privilege to work with, plus she delivers real results. She’s helped me tweak my e-mail list, learn how to increase engagement and most of all, how I could help my subscribers take action and make a difference in their lives.

Henri Junttila - Entrepreneur,

Fantastic to Work With

I've read Alexis Rodrigo's posts on a number of sites and have never failed to be amazed by the depth of her knowledge and her writing skills. When creating a resource for freelance creatives, my mind immediately went to Alexis — she graciously agreed to be interviewed for the resource. Alexis went above and beyond on the project and I was thrilled to have her involved.

Her amazing writing skills, combined with her knowledge of marketing, makes Alexis a fantastic woman to work with.

Thursday Bram - Editor at The Responsible Communication Style Guide

So Many Valuable Takeaways

I have so much valuable takeaways from the class. I like all the different varieties of email onboarding. The biggest thing though is the planning. I wish I had Lexi sitting beside me to mentor me through my first email sequence.

Kelly Cushing - The Art Hive Collective

Quality and Cost

Delivered quality and cost.

Lexi understood the requirement, was easy to communicate with and delivered to expectation.

She is a high-quality copywriter, yet cost competitive and very easy to work with.

Yuki Hoashi - Principal, GrowShapes,

Focused and Effective

Bad Christian was a manuscript I was particularly close to. I needed an editor who could make sure that I was saying what I wanted to say with clarity and brevity.

Lexi was able to clean up the text, highlight confusing paragraphs and correct the writing mistakes within the work.

Lexi is focused and effective. She was a fantastic copy editor for my work.

Cathy Hutchison - Author of Bad Christian,

Video Marketing Help

It was a pleasure to work with Lexi on my video project. I asked Lexi to create a video sale promotion for my new ebook about time management tips for parents, and she handled everything for me: the script, the music, the editing, the photos, and the uploading. I was especially pleased with the extra tips that Lexi offered about the best ways to gain more publicity using my video.

Ellen C. Braun -

Creates Powerhouse Content

Lexi has been amazing to work with.

She can create powerhouse content, from posts that top the search engines to special reports that attract thousands of new subscribers. And the magical part is the humble and unassuming way with which she does it all.

She’s a gem and I feel very fortunate to have her on my team.

Danny Iny - Mirasee,

Rediscover Your Worth

I absolutely loved Sell Like A Saint. This training is full of simple yet very effective exercises to address beliefs we have about selling. As a health coach, my first goal is to be of service. I often feel bad about asking my clients to pay for something I love doing anyway. After a few years doing the work, I lost track of the value of what I provide. Now, I am more aware of it (Thanks to the exercise of listing what makes me better in my field than the average person). Addressing the beliefs and doing the work helped me feel more comfortable asking for what I’m worth. Somehow because of past experiences I started to associate selling with manipulation, but through the training have rediscovered that it can be “just” persuasion to help who I’m speaking to make the right decision. I recommend taking this course when you want to rediscover your worth, and let go of fears and limiting beliefs about money.

Audrey Sourroubille Arnold - Founder & Coach at Lotus Power Health

Talented and Professional

I first hired Lexi to do a sales page for me. I was impressed not just by her talent, but by her professionalism and resourcefulness as well.

Since then, I’ve hired Lexi to manage my affiliate program and to help me implement my online marketing strategies. Not only does she get the job done, she continually adds more value whenever she sees the possibility.

I also know when I am stuck on something, that I can trust Lexi will help me find a solution to my writing or technical issues so that I can communicate with my clients in an effective and impactful way.

Elena Verlee - CEO, Crossborder PR &

Talented Copywriter

I just adore Lexi and find her to be an extremely talented copywriter and budding entrepreneur. Keep your eye on her. She’s got the heart and drive to become a key player in this business.

Nicole Dean - Entrepreneur & Business Coach,

Clear, Simple, and Digestible

You kept concepts clear, simple, and digestible. The building blocks were a helpful guide for sure. You're a born teacher :-)

Fantastic Writing

Thank you so much for the work you’ve done for me over the past few months. Frankly, I’m not quite sure how I managed without you before. Your work is always timely, your correspondence is always professional (even though I can be VERY picky at times) and your writing is fantastic.

Alice Seba - Online Entrepreneur,

Prompt, Excellent Writing

I hired Lexi because I was struggling with creating quality content for our audiences, which incorporated the latest trends and best practices in content marketing.

What I liked best about working with Lexi were her clarity of thought, prompt deliveries, excellent quality, and her openness to feedback and suggestions.

Brainstorm your ideas with Lexi, give her some direction and she'll be off to a flying start giving you content you will be proud to share.

Sheetal Pinto - CEO, MintCopy Inc.,

We’re A Better Organization

As a result of hiring Lexi, the SmartCare team learned how to best launch and organize its editorial schedule. I would recommend Lexi for early-stage and established companies alike – let her streamline your thought process and correct your misconceptions. We are a better organization today because of her.

Andrew Goldberger - CEO, SmartCare,

One of the More Useful Courses I've Taken

I floundered around choosing topics and writing my first email sequence. You've given me an awesome roadmap to make the next one better and more subscriber focused. Thank you!

This is one of the more useful courses I've taken. You didn't waste a minute of my time and I appreciated that.

Bonnie Kreitler - Rambling Dog Publications LLC

Approachable Teacher

The empathy map was really great, as was the Excel sheet for the audience know/believe/feel etc. I liked how approachable you are and willing to repeat things.

Chelsea Humphreys - Build a Dream

Quality Work

Alexis has made copywriting and marketing the focus of her attention, conquering the learning curve and earning a reputation for doing quality work. I like how she thinks and how she's always spotting new ways to market and grow.

Kelly McCausey - Event Host, Business Coach, Beachpreneur,

Professional, Timely Results

When I hired Lexi, I badly needed help to finish an important book.

Her approach to the editing task was to conduct additional light research, and to integrate learning garnered from that effort in her work. She took it on and did such a great job in such a short time.

What I appreciated, and believe others might benefit from knowing, is that she took on this challenge requiring a quick turn around, and she delivered professional and timely results.

Anaezi Modu - CEO, Rebrand,

Professional Image and Confidence

I enjoyed working with Lexi because she is very knowledgeable and thorough. I was especially pleased that she worked with me directly from my own desktop. This has helped me overcome my reluctance to personally manage my social media marketing through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

I hired Lexi after hearing her presentation to a group, where she was able to explain all the various ways of marketing through social media and how important it is to find the right fit for each type of business.

As a result of hiring Lexi, I am now able to present a more professional online image and feel confident that social media marketing will be key to my branding and business growth.

I definitely recommend Lexi for one-on-one or group training in social media marketing.

Leona MacIntyre - Grant Writer,

No More Writing by the Seat of My Pants

The most valuable thing I learned was the concept of choosing a goal and planning the emails. Thank you for your helpful class. I need to take the time for planning my emails rather than writing by the seat of my pants. :)

Janie Burlingame

I Learned How to Write with a Plan

The biggest takeaway for me was to write with a plan rather than just sit down and write. I hope it will make my emails more effective in achieving its final purpose. I just purchased the course yesterday so have not had the chance yet to go through the earlier lessons. However, the insights I gained from today’s webinar made me excited to do so. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Patricia Yarc

Reliable Web Copywriter

Lexi taught me everything I know about writing sales copy. Her attention to detail and keen ability to get right to the heart of the matter make her a great writer. If you're looking for a down-to-earth, reliable web copywriter, you can't do better than Lexi.

Cindy Bidar - Online Business Manager,

There's Something Special About this Class

I had so many valuable takeaways from the class, but one that stands out for me was how to warm up my readers to pre-sell my first little product. I have a lot of email marketing classes but there was something special about this one. I am finally sending out my first emails to my little list. I've sent 7 so far so this was perfect timing! Would love to learn more! Thanks, Lexi! Glad I discovered you.

Sheri Strykowski

A Course with a Great ROI!

The most valuable lessons for me were how to structure and lure people before selling to them and build relationship. I loved the building blocks and the examples given in class. And I loved your use of the pen! I truly enjoyed this and got so much more out of it than I expected. Thank you! Now to put it together. Great ROI ;-)

Sarah Pipher

Knowledgeable and Helpful

I needed a sales page for my upcoming program and even though I had seen many, and written one or two, I had no idea what I was doing.

I loved the feedback screencast Lexi did for my sales page! It was so helpful to listen to while I was editing.

Lexi is so knowledgeable and helpful creating sales pages that rock!

Glenda Mills - Mindset & Business Success Coach

Exemplary Writing and Extremely Reliable

Lexi has played a crucial role as an author at Freelance Folder. She has a definite "voice" for reaching out to freelancers and providing information that is both engaging and useful. Plus, she is extremely reliable. When Lexi commits to something I know that it is as good as done. Her writing is exemplary and I wouldn't hesitate to use her services again (and again).

Laura Spencer - Editor, Envato Tuts+,

SHINE and Thrive!

  • 45-minute mentoring call x 2 x 6 months
  • Notes for each call, including next action steps and milestone tracking
  • Audio and video recordings of each call




$145.50 today then $145.50/month 
for the next three months

After your payment is processed, you will be taken to a survey form so I can learn more about you and your business before our first coaching call. I can't wait!

Copyright © 2024
