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People Are Talking About… Lexi

Elena Verlee, The Passionate Publicist

Website:  PRinYourPajamas.com

  • Public relations consultant
  • Life and business coach
  • Infomarketer

Ronnie Nijmeh

Ronnie NijmehWebsite:  PLR.me

  • Healthy living expert
  • Business coach
  • Infomarketer

The above is an excerpt of a teleseminar I did for Ronnie's mastermind class on the topic, “Secrets of a Customer-Getting Blog.”

Sonia Simone

Sonia SimoneWebsite:  Remarkable-Communication.com

  • Senior Editor, Copyblogger
  • Marketing consultant
  • Infomarketer

Note: Sonia is not one of my clients. However, she mentioned me in a recent teleseminar she had with social media expert, Laura Roeder.
