I Appreciate You!

I'm honored that you want to keep hearing from me. I will do my best to respect your time and attention by only creating and sharing content that will help you implement digital marketing in a simplified and effective way for your business.


Here's what you can expect:

  • Cool Stuff: Nifty tools, apps, and gadgets to help automate, simplify, and amplify your digital marketing efforts--most of them free or very affordable
  • Blog Posts: Articles I've written all over the web that cover business blogging, email marketing, video marketing, social media, and other aspects of digital marketing
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  • Notifications: How to join Facebook Live broadcasts, webinars, and other presentations where I give quick, actionable tips you can implement right away
  • Special Stuff: Special promotions for courses, applications, and other resources to help you take your digital marketing to the next level

Help me help you: what's your biggest digital marketing challenge right now?

Let me know and I'll hook you up with the best solutions and resources I know of.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Lexi Rodrigo Copywriter Social Media Manager

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