Services 2009

I am currently not accepting new clients. If you'd like to find out when I'll be available again, please click here to contact me. Thank you!

I provide the following services to support your marketing plan:

Sales Page

Marketing Video

Email Marketing

Customized Marketing Package

Sales Page

  • one sales page/letter at least 1,000 words long
  • keyword research to help you reach your target market
  • two headlines, for split testing
  • includes handwritten doodles and other graphic elements (such as custom comics), when appropriate
  • Your sales page will be submitted in HTML format, so all you have to do is upload it to your site.

Price: Will be available on January 1, 2010. Please contact me if you'd like a quote now.

Request a Sales Page:


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Marketing Video

Online video increases conversion rates, so make sure it is part of your marketing plan. Distributing video is also an excellent way of getting traffic into your site.

  • one marketing video, maximum 3 minutes long
  • includes: script; collection of photos from free stock photo sites; editing with special effects; soundtrack; uploading into YouTube (client's account)
  • client may provide own video footages or photos and get $50 off the fee
  • does not include taping new video footages
  • see some of my marketing videos on YouTube

The box on the upper right shows a marketing video I made and disseminated for

Price: Will be available on January 1, 2010. Please contact me if you'd like a quote now.

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Email Marketing Campaign:

Planning a special promo or product launch? I can write a series of Emails written with direct response in mind. Get your Emails opened and the links clicked.

Price: Will be available on January 1, 2010. Please contact me if you'd like a quote now.

Autopilot Email Marketing

The money is in the list. With this service, you can build a list and profit from it – completely on autopilot – for a whole year! This is good, whether you have your own products or promote affiliate products. The service includes:

* a 5-part E-course to offer as a freebie

* a squeeze page, in HTML format – simply upload to your site and it's live!

* an opt-in form – embed it into your sidebar or on each page of your site

* 52 Email messages designed to strengthen your relationship with your list, and promote affiliate products and/or your own products

Note: To use this service, you should already have an autoresponder subscription, such as Aweber.

Price: Will be available on January 1, 2010. Please contact me if you'd like a quote now.

Request an Email Campaign:


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If you need a combination of these services, contact me and I will draw up a marketing package just for you. This is perfect if you're preparing for a product launch or doing long-term planning to skyrocket your business.

Price: Will be available on January 1, 2010. Please contact me if you'd like a quote now.

Cost of Implementation: Will be quoted on a per-project basis. Retainer discounts will apply.

Request a Customized Marketing Package:


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Retainer Arrangement:

Book my services monthly for at least six months and get 20% off my usual rates. This package is ideal if you're planning to release a new infoproduct every month, run a monthly promo to your lists, or complete some other recurring marketing projects.

Price: Will be available on January 1, 2010. Please contact me if you'd like a quote now.

Hire Me on Retainer:

