Tag Archives for " writing "

Get meaningful feedback on your copy
Mar 26

How to Get Meaningful Feedback on Your Work

By Alexis Rodrigo | Copywriting

Have you ever posted in a group asking folks to give you feedback on something you drafted?  Chances are, the responses you got were hit-or-miss. They were vague, random, irrelevant—or worst—downright wrong. Part of it could be because they weren’t your target audience. Especially if you’re in a very specific and highly specialized niche, the ordinary person […]

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How to Become a Better Writer
Feb 22

Write Better: Advice from 116 Writers

By Alexis Rodrigo | Copywriting

“To become a better writer, first be a better reader.”That’s what I believe. So if you’re wondering how to become a better writer, bookmark Maria Popova’s reading list of advice from 116 of the world’s best writers in her post, “Timeless Advice on Writing: The Collected Wisdom of Great Writers.”  I’m geeking out because the list includes […]

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