Testimonials on Courses

Audrey Sourroubille Arnold

I absolutely loved Sell Like A Saint. This training is full of simple yet very effective exercises to address beliefs we have about selling. As a health coach, my first goal is to be of service. I often feel bad about asking my clients to pay for something I love doing anyway. After a few years doing the work, I lost track of the value of what I provide. Now, I am more aware of it (Thanks to the exercise of listing what makes me better in my field than the average person). Addressing the beliefs and doing the work helped me feel more comfortable asking for what I’m worth. Somehow because of past experiences I started to associate selling with manipulation, but through the training have rediscovered that it can be “just” persuasion to help who I’m speaking to make the right decision. I recommend taking this course when you want to rediscover your worth, and let go of fears and limiting beliefs about money.

Anaezi Modu

You kept concepts clear, simple, and digestible. The building blocks were a helpful guide for sure. You're a born teacher 🙂

Janie Burlingame

The most valuable thing I learned was the concept of choosing a goal and planning the emails. Thank you for your helpful class. I need to take the time for planning my emails rather than writing by the seat of my pants. 🙂

Chelsea Humphreys

The empathy map was really great, as was the Excel sheet for the audience know/believe/feel etc. I liked how approachable you are and willing to repeat things.

Kelly Cushing

I have so much valuable takeaways from the class. I like all the different varieties of email onboarding. The biggest thing though is the planning. I wish I had Lexi sitting beside me to mentor me through my first email sequence.

Bonnie Kreitler

I floundered around choosing topics and writing my first email sequence. You've given me an awesome roadmap to make the next one better and more subscriber focused. Thank you!

This is one of the more useful courses I've taken. You didn't waste a minute of my time and I appreciated that.

Sarah Pipher

The most valuable lessons for me were how to structure and lure people before selling to them and build relationship. I loved the building blocks and the examples given in class. And I loved your use of the pen! I truly enjoyed this and got so much more out of it than I expected. Thank you! Now to put it together. Great ROI 😉

Patricia Yarc

The biggest takeaway for me was to write with a plan rather than just sit down and write. I hope it will make my emails more effective in achieving its final purpose. I just purchased the course yesterday so have not had the chance yet to go through the earlier lessons. However, the insights I gained from today’s webinar made me excited to do so. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Sheri Strykowski

I had so many valuable takeaways from the class, but one that stands out for me was how to warm up my readers to pre-sell my first little product. I have a lot of email marketing classes but there was something special about this one. I am finally sending out my first emails to my little list. I've sent 7 so far so this was perfect timing! Would love to learn more! Thanks, Lexi! Glad I discovered you.

Leona MacIntyre

I enjoyed working with Lexi because she is very knowledgeable and thorough. I was especially pleased that she worked with me directly from my own desktop. This has helped me overcome my reluctance to personally manage my social media marketing through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

I hired Lexi after hearing her presentation to a group, where she was able to explain all the various ways of marketing through social media and how important it is to find the right fit for each type of business.

As a result of hiring Lexi, I am now able to present a more professional online image and feel confident that social media marketing will be key to my branding and business growth.

I definitely recommend Lexi for one-on-one or group training in social media marketing.
