Audrey Sourroubille Arnold
I absolutely loved Sell Like A Saint. This training is full of simple yet very effective exercises to address beliefs we have about selling. As a health coach, my first goal is to be of service. I often feel bad about asking my clients to pay for something I love doing anyway. After a few years doing the work, I lost track of the value of what I provide. Now, I am more aware of it (Thanks to the exercise of listing what makes me better in my field than the average person). Addressing the beliefs and doing the work helped me feel more comfortable asking for what I’m worth. Somehow because of past experiences I started to associate selling with manipulation, but through the training have rediscovered that it can be “just” persuasion to help who I’m speaking to make the right decision. I recommend taking this course when you want to rediscover your worth, and let go of fears and limiting beliefs about money.