Hello, Twitter Friend

Alexis Rodrigo

Hi, thank you for clicking on the link from my Twitter profile. Let me tell you about myself so you can decide whether to follow me on Twitter or not.

I am Alexis Rodrigo, a wife  and Mom to three kids. I dreamed of becoming a stay at home Mom when I had only one child. Now, at last, I am living that dream. I've worked in the non-profit sector for 19 years, most recently in UNICEF, Alzheimer Society, and World Vision.

Sometimes, I can hardly recognize my life.

My Blogs

I'm also a blogger. The following are my main blogs:

  • Content marketingWhere I write about my real-life experiences in digital marketing, social media, and copywriting. What works, what doesn't, and what's new.
  • Natural moms – Where I muse about living a more earth-friendly, plant-based lifestyle without sacrificing convenience and joy

When I Am Not Working …

I enjoy baking, doing crafts (sewing is my current favorite), and reading anything in print. I am also learning how to knit. Occasionally, my children and I do paper crafts. I love reading crafting blogs and sewing books. Alas, I read more than I do!

These are the things I Twitter about – motherhood, family life, married life, freelancing, digital marketing, copywriting and creative activities. I have to admit, some of my tweets are mundane – but I promise, I never ever tweet about going to the washroom. I also always share anything useful, insightful and enlightening that I discover online.

If you haven't done so already, do follow me on Twitter. I do not automatically follow back, but if you respond to my tweets thoughtfully, I most likely will.

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PS: Below are a few of the things my Twitter friends have said about me:

Willie Hewes Twitter Testimonial

Kelly Mccausey Twitter Testimonial

Leslie Twitter Testimonial

Moonlite Twitter Testimonial

Nicole Dean Twitter Testimonial

Tracy Roberts Twitter Testimonials

Zerohart Twitter Testimonial
