How To Attract Potential Clients And Make Them Burn With Desire To Work With You
Do you need me, a professional copywriter, to write the words on your website?
If you want a website that:
- pulls potential clients
- showcases your expertise
- makes visitors know, like, and trust you -- so that they buy your products/services
... then the answer is "YES!"
The words on your website do the heavy lifting of communicating your brand clearly and selling your products/service. Allow me to research your target market so you'll understand them better than they do themselves. And then let me choose the words and put them together on your web pages so that your website is as compelling and persuasive as it can be.
To get started, choose from the options below to find the level of website copywriting help you need:
Biz-Card Website*
1 page website that tells visitors:
* who you are
* what you have to offer
* who your target market is
* how to connect with you
This is the perfect package for you if you want a professional, client-getting website right now, but don’t have the resources to put into a full-blown business website.
- Audience-centred copy written to elicit a response from the reader
- On-page search engine optimization for the target keywords you provide
- Two alternate headlines for your home page so you can test and use the best performing headline
- Up to two revisions
- Custom header and web page design
- Links to your social media profiles
- WordPress installation with basic set of plug-ins for SEO and automatic backups
US $350 one-time payment
Only 5 slots available!
Full-blown Business Website
5 page website optimized to attract potential customers and position you and your product as the solution to their problems:
* home page
* about page
* 3 product or service pages or other type of landing pages
- Audience-centred copy written to elicit a response from the reader
- On-page search engine optimization for the target keywords you provide
- Two alternate headlines for your home page so you can test and use the best performing headline
- Up to two revisions
US $1200 total cost
Pay only $600 now
Pay another $600 when you approve the copy, or 15 business days after you paid your initial payment, whichever comes first
Only 3 slots available!
Full-blown Business Website*
5 page website optimized to attract potential customers and position you and your product as the solution to their problems:
* home page
* about page
* 3 product or service pages or other type of landing pages
- Audience-centred copy written to elicit a response from the reader
- On-page search engine optimization for the target keywords you provide
- Two alternate headlines for your home page so you can test and use the best performing headline
- Up to two revisions
- Custom header and web page design
- Links to your social media profiles
- WordPress installation with basic set of plug-ins for SEO and automatic backups
$2200 total cost
Pay only $1100 now
Pay another $1100 when you approve the copy and design, or 30 business days after you paid your initial payment, whichever comes first
Only 2 slots available!
Click "Check Out with PayPal" even if you don't have a PayPal account. Major credit/debit cards are accepted.
After your payment is processed, I will send you an email with a Terms of Agreement and questionnaire for you to fill out. I will also give you an idea of how long the project will take. Remember, I can only accept a limited number of clients for each option. If the Pay Now button doesn't work, it means I've reached my limit for that package.
Pay now to reserve your spot.
I look forward to working with you!

* Your website will be built using WordPress. You must register your own domain name and get cPanel web hosting for your site. If you have an existing site and it’s not on cPanel hosting, you must be willing to move to a web host that provides cPanel hosting.
PS: Got a question about my web copywriting services? Click here to send it to me.
The sales page is fantastic! You’ve really pulled it all together. The process was terrific for me as well as I now feel like I really know much more about my target market, and even what the book is trying to convey.
I just adore Lexi and find her to be an extremely talented copywriter and budding entrepreneur. Keep your eye on her. She’s got the heart and drive to become a key player in this business.
I was impressed not just by her talent, but by her professionalism and resourcefulness as well.
Since then, I’ve hired Lexi to manage my affiliate program and to help me implement my online marketing strategies. Not only does she get the job done, she continually adds more value whenever she sees the possibility.
She outperforms anyone I’ve ever worked with and comes to the table with brilliant ideas and profitable internet marketing tactics.