[Attract More Buyers] Lesson 7 – How to Write Persuasively

This is your 7th and final lesson in “7 Keys to Attract More Buyers.” Congratulations! Here is a PDF of all the seven lessons in this ecourse, so you can easily go back and review each one.

7 Keys to Attract More Buyers

In this lesson, I’ll be sharing with you a formula for writing content that’s compelling and persuasive, which is what copywriting is all about.

There are dozens of formulas on copywriting, but I like this one because it’s easy to remember and apply. The formula is called AIDA. I first learned about it in an advertising course in university more than 20 years ago. In all that time, I keep running into it again and again in various marketing and advertising materials, so we know that it works.

AIDA stands for:


Here’s how to apply AIDA in your content:


The first task of your content is to get the attention of your audience. Unless you get your audience’s attention, you can’t communicate meaningfully. You can’t engage them, much less persuade them. That’s the end of your contact.

The job of attracting attention is done by your article title, the headline of your sales page, the subject line of your email, the cover of your ebook… you get the idea.

After you have your audience’s attention, you need to sustain their…


Now that your audience is listening, watching or reading, the first part of your content should keep them interested. The foolproof way to do this is by talking about them. We like talk about ourselves, and your audience is the same. Keep the content focused on them, and they’ll stay interested.

A common mistake marketers make is jumping in and talking about themselves — how great their product is, how well you’re going to meet your prospects’ needs, etc. There’s a time for this, a little later in the persuasion process. Be patient and your audience will be more receptive when you start talking about yourself. On the other hand, if you get into this prematurely, your audience’s defenses will come up and you’ll likely lose the sale.


At this point, your reader is interested in what you have to say. You’ve shown that you understand their predicament and can empathize with their pain. Now’s the perfect time to stoke the flame of their desire for what you have to offer.

How do you do this? Again, timing is key. Start by hinting at the general solution to their problem, and then paint a picture of what your readers’ life will be like when their problem is solved.

And then you can segue into your product or service, or whatever solution you’re proposing. Go over its features, but in a way that shows how those features translate into concrete benefits for your reader.

If you’re having trouble distinguishing features from benefits, this might help:


There are many ways to intensify your audience’s desire, such as:

  • demonstrate how your product or service works
  • display testimonials from happy customers
  • make an offer they can’t refuse


At this point, your readers are primed. Tell them what the next step is. Don’t assume they know. Be direct and to-the-point. For example:

“Type your email address in the box then click the button to subscribe.”

“Click here to place your order.”

“Get even more useful tips by signing up for our free newsletter here.”

It also helps to give your readers an idea of what will happen next. On a squeeze page, for instance, you can say, “Watch your inbox for an email requesting confirmation. Click the link in that email to confirm your subscription. If you don’t receive this email, do check your spam box; it might have gotten misplaced there.”

I like AIDA because it works in any type of content: articles, blog posts, sales pages, squeeze pages, marketing videos… even Tweets!

Keep this formula in mind next time you write anything and soon, it’s going to be second nature to you.

This concludes your 7-part e-course entitled, “7 Keys to Attract More Buyers.” I hope you’ve learned a few things about getting more clients and customers. But most of all, I hope that you put at least one new thing into action.

PS: If you need help implementing Magnetic New Marketing in your business, please read about the different ways I work with other online marketers like you. Thank you!
