Crush It: A Video Review

By Alexis Rodrigo | Social Media

Jun 11

(For best results, pause the video for a couple of seconds, allow it to stream, and then click on the play button. Running time = 07:33)

I've known about Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk for some time now, but only recently decided to read it. You see, I thought I already knew everything there was to know about using social media to promote your business.

The bottom line is: I was pleasantly surprised.

First off, I resonated with Gary's experience of being immigrants and starting over in a foreign land.

Secondly, I totally agree with Gary's statement that life is too short to spend it doing a job you hate.

Crush It is all about pursuing your passion, doing what you love, and making money while you're at it.

Gary doesn't say everybody can be millionnaires doing what they love. But you can certainly make a decent living. Crush It shows you how–if you're willing to put in the hours and sacrifice some of the time you'd otherwise spend playing videogames.

You'll want to pay close attention to Chapter 10 (Make the World Listen), where Gary outlines his 12 steps to building your brand online.

Crush It is perfect for the beginner who's looking for a blueprint to using social media to build a business. If you're an intermediate or advance marketer, you may still like Crush It, because it is an inspirational success story.

Have you read Crush It? What did you think of it? Do share by posting your comments, or a link to your review, below.

And if you haven't read Crush It yet, you can order it from or, better yet, get a Vook version for your iPhone/iPod Touch, iPad or web browser.


About the Author

Lexi Rodrigo is a communication and marketing professional for multimillion-dollar businesses, co-author of Blog Post Ideas: 21 Proven Ways to Create Compelling Content and Kiss Writer's Block Goodbye, and host of "Marketing Insights LIVE!." Connect with Lexi on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

  • james samy says:

    Hi Alexis,

    Thank you for sharing the Crush It review. I am just reading the book and will update you soon.

    Great review and awesome way of sharing Alexis. Thanks

    • Alexis says:

      Aw thanks, James! Do let me know what you think when you finish. I just finished the book today and I have to say, the last few chapters are full of nuggets that I failed to mention in my video above. Well, you’ll just have to finish the book yourself to find out what you mean 😉

  • David Ward says:

    Hey, Lexi, you have a lot more experience with social media than I do but it looks like we have a similar opinion of Crush It! I just posted my review on my blog

    I look forward to connecting with you online!

    David Ward

    • Alexis says:

      Hey, thanks for sharing the link to your review, David! I’ll check it out and leave a comment too 🙂

  • Kelly says:

    I got Crush It on audio for my iphone and soaked it up fast. I love how he ‘veers off script’ as he reads the book all the time 🙂

    Great review Lexi!

    • Alexis says:

      That’s funny, Kelly! It is different when you hear Gary’s exuberance.

    • blogjunkie says:

      Hi Kelly & Lexi

      I also got the audiobook version and also loved how Gary veers off the script constantly. I think it makes a good audiobook too, because you hear his voice & exuberance, and you don’t necessarily have to bookmark his book for action steps (not much in there, lots of motivation).

      Great review Lexi, good to see you on video. It helps to put a face to the Twitter avatar 😀

      • Alexis says:

        Hey David! Thanks for stopping by and posting a comment.

        You’re right, Crush It is very inspiring and motivational. However, I do find that Gary lays out his “action steps” as well, although probably not with as much detail as beginners would like.

        See you around!

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