Welcome, friends from Women’s Information Network!

If you found your way here from my show on the Women's Information Network, then chances are you're interested in using social media to achieve your personal and professional goals.

May I suggest the following posts to help you get started?

From Social Media to Moolah – In which I answer the question, “How do you translate social media marketing to sales?”

The ROI of Blogging (Or What's Your Blog For?) – Explains the many benefits of having a blog

Stop Being a Slave to Your Blog – Quick and easy ways to find a continuous stream of ideas for blog posts

Video Blogging: Take Your Blog to the Next Level – Why you need to add video to your online content

How to Get A-Listers to Do What You Want — Most of the Time – I share my top tip for connecting with the influential people in my field, even though I'm a shy introvert!

I hope you find these and other posts in my blog useful.

If you like them, fill up the form below to get notified via email every time I publish a new post:

Thanks for stopping by!
Lexi Rodrigo
