Amazon is the largest content marketplace.
Not only does it sell tons of content, it also generates a LOT of data about what people are looking for, what they're interested in, what they buy, and which pieces of content they actually consume.
You can use some of the information Amazon collects to make you a rock star content marketer.
Watch the video to see 5 ways to use Amazon in content marketing:
Listen to the Presentation
How to Use Amazon for Content Marketing
1. Discover content topics (07:52)
Don't have Buzzsumo?
Worry not. You can still find out which topics people are interested in. In fact, Amazon tells you which books they're buying and reading. And many Amazon users share insightful feedback on what they've read.
- Bestsellers (07:07)
- Table of contents (12:40)
- Reviews (14:58)

Amazon bestseller lists give content marketers a wealth of information.
2. Write better headlines/titles (19:15)
Book editors and publishers make a living out of crafting titles that get people to buy books.
People judge books by their covers, so the title can make or break book. This makes book titles a great source of inspiration for the titles of your own books, blog posts, videos, and other pieces of content.
3. Find influencers and connect with them (26:31)
If you want to interview influencers and other thought leaders in your industry, Amazon's New Releases is a great way to find them and learn how to connect with them.
Remember, if someone has just launched a book, they'll be more keen to get featured on your platform because they want to build buzz for their book.
4. Become a topic expert (30:56)
Use Amazon to keep abreast of the latest books about your subject area. Make sure you read these books, and you'll be recognized as an expert.
5. Promote your content (32:38)
I left this for last, because this is the hardest to do.
First, you have to write your own book and put it up on Amazon through the Kindle Digital Publishing (KDP) platform. When you do that, you can create your very own Amazon Author Page, link your blog (or other compatible platform), and have your latest content syndicated on the page.
Here's what I mean (click image to enlarge):

You can syndicate your content on your Amazon Author Page - and it ranks high on Google!
Amazon Author Pages rank well on Google, so this is another great way people can discover you online.
BONUS: Monetize your content as an Amazon associate or influencer (36:38)
Apply to become an Amazon associate and/or influencer, so you can share your associate links with people. When somebody buys from Amazon through your link, you earn a commission.
Amazon commissions are very small, especially if you don't get a lot of traffic yet, but they do add up. Besides, every little bit helps 😉
Here's what my Amazon influencer page looks like (click image to enlarge):

As an Amazon Influencer, you can share links to your Amazon shop and get commissions.
Amazon is the world's largest marketplace of content. Use the information Amazon collects to become an exceptional content marketer!
How Will You Use Amazon?
What's your a-ha moment from this video? How will you be using Amazon differently from now on? Let me know in the comments below 🙂