Help the Flood Victims in the Philippines

By Alexis Rodrigo | Uncategorized

Sep 28

Update (October 3, 2009):

Here's a new video:

Click here to donate to UNICEF.

Update (October 1, 2009):

The number of deaths due to Typhone Ketsana (local name: Ondoy) is now 277. I urge you to help, no matter how small.

Here's how far your help can go:

  • $15 can provide a family with water containers, water purifiers and buckets for a month's supply of safe water
  • $17 can provide a family with sleeping mats and mosquito nets to protect them against mosquito-borne diseases
  • $30 can provide a family of 5 with blankets, towels, slippers, toothbrushes, toothpaste and cooking and eating utensils

If you want to give more:

  • $305 can provide essential medicines for 10,000 people
  • $1000 can provide enough emergency medical supplies for the primary health care needs of 10,000 people

Click here to make your donation to UNICEF Philippines


On Saturday evening, I received an alarming Email from one of my former co-workers in the Philippines. Tropical storm Ketsana (local name: Ondoy) had hit Metro Manila, causing the worst floods in 40 years. The entire first floor of his house and his two cars were under water.

His neighbor was much less fortunate; they didn't have a second floor:


But my friend and his neighbors live in a middle-class neighborhood.

What about the 40% of the Manila population who live below the poverty level, in makeshift shanties, under bridges and alongside rivers and creeks?

This video gives us a glimpse of how devastating the floods have been:

As of this writing, 140 people have been reported dead, dozens are still missing. About 226,000 are homeless and 60,000 are crammed in 200 evacuation centers.

Please help.

If you'd like to help the victims of this recent flood in the Philippines, I suggest you do so through UNICEF Philippines (where I used to work).

Children always suffer the most in the face of calamity. Physically vulnerable and unable to fend for themselves, they not only lose their homes and schools. Many become orphaned. Their schooling and security are disrupted, and they're particularly susceptible to illness in evacuation centers.

UNICEF has already provided $143,000 of assistance in the form of

  • food
  • temporary shelters
  • hygiene kits (to ensure the safety of water and prevent water-borne diseases)

Other items are still needed, such as:

  • essential medicines (since children in evacuation centers are prone to illness)
  • portable toilets
  • family kits, which include soap, blankets and clothing
  • rebuilding of schools, day care centers and public health centers

You can read more about UNICEF Philippines's emergency response program here.

It takes very little to help.

Because every US$ is equivalent to 47.5 Philippine pesos, whatever you can spare will go a long way.

While some families are still awaiting rescue on their rooftops, thousands of lives are on the balance in crowded, poorly supplied evacuation centers. The death toll of Typhoon Ketsana could still go up if we don't help.

Click here to help the flood victims through UNICEF Philippines. (Click the “Donate Now” button on the right)



About the Author

Lexi Rodrigo is a communication and marketing professional for multimillion-dollar businesses, co-author of Blog Post Ideas: 21 Proven Ways to Create Compelling Content and Kiss Writer's Block Goodbye, and host of "Marketing Insights LIVE!." Connect with Lexi on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

  • Nicole Dean says:

    Thanks for alerting me to this Lexi. I’ve been head-down on a project and hadn’t seen the news in probably a week.

    Sent cash.

    Prayers for strength to those scared and alone.

  • Kelly says:

    Thanks for putting an emphasis on this for me Lexi 🙂

  • Lexi Rodrigo says:

    Thank you very much, Nik & Kelly! This is an excellent opportunity for us to put the power of social media to work for a good cause.

  • Thank you for bringing attention to this need. I don’t feel like the flood is getting the international attention it deserves. We, at the Philippine Aid Society, have also set up a relief fund. 100% of donations designated for flood relief will go to help the victims.

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