Squeeze The Heck Out Of That $1k (Or More) Sales Page!

By Alexis Rodrigo | Entrepreneurship

Oct 12

143/365 The endless tube finally squeezes its last dot

To Internet marketers, a sales page is a big investment. I charge a minimum of $1,000 per sales page — not at all expensive by Internet marketing standards — but if you sell a small-value product (from $7 to $97), you'll have to sell plenty of them before you begin to see profit.

However, if you're a smart marketer, you realize that a well-written, well-crafted and properly researched sales page is a huge business asset — one that can help you make more sales, build your list, and get traffic for months or even years to come.

This is because your copywriter has already done all the research needed to (1) grab your target market's attention; (2) get them interested in and excited about your product; and (3) motivate them to buy your product.

This means all of the heavy lifting has already been done, such as:

  • Your target market's top pains, challenges and interests have already been identified
  • Your product's features and benefits have been articulated in a clear and compelling way
  • Your product's price has been justified
  • Your target market's main objections have been addressed
  • Your key messages have been written out

Therefore, everything you need to craft effective marketing materials is already in that sales page!

So after your sales page is completed and is making sales, don't stop there! Put it to work for you! After all, you've got a thousand dollars (or more) to recover.

Here are some ideas:


Use your existing headline, sub-headlines and the ones your copywriter didn't use in the final sales page (ask for them; copywriters brainstorm at least 25 headlines before finding The One) and use them for:

  • banner ads
  • email subject lines for solo promos for your product
  • squeeze pages for a lead offer, which eventually promotes your product
  • PPC ads

Bullet Points

Bullet points may seem simple to write, but in truth, they hit deep into what's really important to your target market. They may also be written in provocative ways that add mystery and make your product “seductive.” Recycle and repurpose these bullet points:

  • blog post, guest posts – Expand each bullet point into a stand-alone blog post, either for your own blog or as a guest post on another blog.
  • email solos – Make a bullet point the central theme of a solo promo. Give them to affiliates to send to their lists.
  • teleseminar/webinar – Turn a couple of bullet points into a 60- to 90-minute webinar, with a pitch for your product in the end
  • tweets – Turn each bullet point into a tweet — with a link to your sales page, of course


Another part of your sales page that might look simple but actually required a lot of thought are the PS's. These are some of the most frequently-read parts of a sales letter. They need to be short and sweet, but extremely powerful for motivating a buyer. Use this powerhouse texts as:

  • ads
  • tweets
  • PS's in emails

Condensed Sales Page

If you take the entire content of your sales page and condense the most important parts, you can turn it into:

  • newsletter ads – A blurb for someone's e-newsletter
  • text ads
  • elevator speech
  • pop-up ads

See, there are tons of promotional content you can create from that one, single sales page! And if you remember to turn text into audio and video, then you'll have an almost limitless number of ways to put that sales page to work for you.

Whether you do the sales page repurposing yourself or outsource it, you've saved time, energy and money.

Do you still think that sales page was expensive? Or do you now see what a wise investment a good sales page is?

Did this post inspire you to go back to your sales page and develop more promotional and marketing materials out of it?

Do let me know what aha's you got from this post. Share them in the comments below, so we can all get inspired by each other.

Lexi Rodrigo

Creative Commons License photo credit: waitscm


About the Author

Lexi Rodrigo is a communication and marketing professional for multimillion-dollar businesses, co-author of Blog Post Ideas: 21 Proven Ways to Create Compelling Content and Kiss Writer's Block Goodbye, and host of "Marketing Insights LIVE!." Connect with Lexi on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

  • Kelly says:

    So many great ideas Lexi!! I have a hankering to go through some of my sales letters 😉

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